Sikkim: HSP’s working president Neeknor Pradhan & spokesperson Tara Bhattarai quits

Guwahati: Working president of the Hamro Sikkim Party Neeknor Pradhan and spokesman Tara Bhattarai resigned from the party.

According to reports, Biraj Adhikari, the party’s general secretary, has received resignation letters from both leaders.

In a letter, the party’s spokesperson Tara Bhattarai stated that he had no choice but to leave owing to ideological conflicts he had encountered throughout his time in the organisation, the President’s undemocratic use of authority, as well as the party’s goals being violated.

On the other hand, Neeknor Pradhan also mentioned the ideological differences and the president’s undemocratic behaviour in his resignation letter.

30 family members of the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM) party joined the Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) party on Sunday, marking a significant political development. The joining took place at the SDF Party Headquarters, Indira Bypass, Gangtok, in the presence of Shri Pawan Chamling, Honorable Party President.

Former SKM members claim that the SKM party’s recent behaviour during the Sikkim Bachao Abhiyan on March 17, 2023, had an impact on their choice to leave the party. They said that SKM participants agitated the Helmet Rally and all SDF meetings in an undemocratic manner. The individuals who joined SDF expressed their displeasure with the SKM party’s anti-democratic actions and said that they had greatly agitated Yangang’s populace.

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