Guwahati: Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a brand-new mobile application called Assam Police during the concluding ceremony for the Maharjat Jayanti (75 years) of the Gauhati High Court.
The software will assist law enforcement in locating stolen vehicles and taking the appropriate action.
The function was held on Friday at Srimanta Sankardev Kalakshetra in Guwahati.
The Guwahati High Court’s importance and identity were stressed by the Prime Minister throughout the event. He claimed that the history of the entire Northeast is entwined with it and that the court’s 75-year existence is similarly entwined with the history of the region. PM Modi underlined the importance of getting rid of outdated legislation and declared that the government had done so with 2,000 of them.
The importance of property rights and its effects on the legal system were additional topics of discussion by the prime minister. He claimed that the burden on the court has increased as a result of the importance of property rights in today’s society. The government has used technology to lessen this load. Modi emphasised the value of the legal system’s alternative dispute resolution process.
Moreover, Modi stressed the significance of having the law available in the local tongue. The people will benefit from a clearer understanding of the law as a result.
The number of prisoners who are unnecessarily incarcerated concerned Modi. He claimed that because of a variety of barriers, poor individuals cannot be released from prison, and for this reason, the government has set aside money in the budget for these inmates.