Huge Cache Of Life-Saving Drugs Being Sold Illegally Seized In Assam’s Nagaon

Guwahati: Massive quantities of live saving drugs that were being sold illegally was seized during an operation on Monday in Nagaon of Assam.

Initial reports state that the operation was conducted at Doomdoomia market in Batadrawa in the Nagaon district of Assam by the district’s narcotics inspector.

Officials informed that the operation was conducted in order to prevent the illegal sale of drugs outside the parameters of regulatory policy.

As per the information received, the drugs were being sold at the Doomdoomia weekly and bi-weekly markets.

The operation was conducted yesterday and officials seized huge quantities of drugs that were being sold illegally, based on complaints of discrepancies from the people.

Meanwhile, it has come to light that the trader who was responsible for the illicit sale of the drugs managed to flee during the operation.

According to officials, a case has been filed under the relevant provisions and further inquiry into the incident will follow in accordance with the law.

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