5 Including 8-Year-Old Killed In Shooting In US’s Texas

Guwahati: A shooter in Cleveland of Texas killed at least five people including an eight-year-old child, after his neighbour requested him to stop firing shots in their yard while they were trying to go asleep.

San Jacinto Country Sheriff Greg Capers told CNN that the shooter was discharging a firearm in his yard when a neighbour urged him to stop because a baby was attempting to fall asleep. According to Capers, this prompted the suspect to start shooting at the neighbours.

He added that the victims came to light on Friday night after the police got a report of harassment at about 11:30 p.m. local time. He was quoted by CNN as saying, “The victims, they came over to the fence said, ‘Hey, could you mind not shooting out in the yard. We have a young baby that is trying to go sleep.”

Moreover, the suspect who was drinking reportedly responded saying, “I’ll do what I want to in my front yard.” Capers said that the doorbell camera at the home of the victims at some point captured the suspect approaching with his rifle. “They were trying to take care of them babies and keep them babies alive,” he added about the victims.

It should be noted that America has a highly common culture of gun violence. According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been at least 174 mass shootings in the nation thus far, according to CNN. CNN and the archive both define a mass shooting as one that leaves the gunman unharmed and results in the injury or death of four or more people.

Meanwhile, Kris Brown, the president of Brady, a gun violence prevention organization said in a statement, “It’s not just at banks, schools, supermarkets, or churches where Americans fear becoming victims of a mass shooting.”

“People in this country are being gunned down with assault weapons in their own homes, and that is the horrifying reality we will continue to live under until our norms and policies change,” she further said.

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