Assam Police Conduct Search Operations in Goalpara in Jonali Nath Murder Case

Guwahati: The Assam Police is undertaking extensive search operations in the Goalpara district as part of its inquiries into the death case involving BJP leader Jonali Nath.

The Goalpara district in Matia is the location of the search activities. According to reports, Ajibur Rahman, the second individual detained on suspicion of involvement in the murder case, has been transported by the police to Matia for the procedures. Sources claimed that the cops also searched Ajibur’s home.

Ajibur Rahman was captured in Goalpara on Saturday as a result of confessions given by Hasnur Islam, the main suspect in the murder case.                   

According to further reports, the two carried out a pre-planned scheme to assassinate the BJP leader.

Hasnur was taken into custody earlier this week from Matia Bazar where he runs a clothing store in Goalpara. Hasnur and the now-deceased BJP leader Jonali Nath had been having an illicit connection for the previous two years, according to information provided by the Assam Police’s Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at a press conference after his arrest.

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