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Assam Agricultural University

Assam Agricultural University Collaborates for Ambitious Tree Planting Initiative

In a significant move towards environmental sustainability and farmer empowerment, Assam Agricultural University (AAU) in Jorhat has forged a partnership with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) of New Delhi and ReNew Power Synergy Private Limited to embark on a mission to plant one crore saplings across Assam. The initiative is designed to harness carbon […]

Assam: Formalin In Fish Fishery Dept Asks Four Institutes To Conduct Inquiry

Guwahati: Four institutions in the state of Assam have been requested by the state’s fisheries department to conduct a thorough investigation into whether formalin is present in imported (chalani) fish. This was directed by the Fisheries Minister Parimal Suklabaidya in light of the new development. The four institutes are –• Zoology Department, Gauhati University.• Central […]

Guv Gulab Chand Kataria visits Assam Agricultural University

Guwahati: Assam Governor Gulab Chand Kataria stopped by Assam Agricultural University and Assam Women’s University to assess the various initiatives carried out by the universities on his first visit to Jorhat on Sunday. Governor Kataria advised the scientists and academic staff at the Assam Agricultural University to focus their research on enhancing the production of […]