Education dept informs assembly of process of regularisation of ISSE, RMSA teachers
The education department informed the state assembly in the just concluded assembly session that, “under the directorate of elementary education, 85 percent of teachers under the PRT section are appointed by regularising the contractual SSA teachers, and 15 percent are done by direct recruitment through the APPSC.”
This, along with other information related to the regularisation of the RMSA and SSA teachers who are serving for the last 15 to 20 years under the education department, was provided in response to the questions raised by Congress MLA Ninong Ering.
“The policy for regularisation of SSA (now ISSE) was approved by a cabinet decision, vide Notification No ED 2/649/2009, dated 8 January, 2013, and later it was partially modified (No EED 2/72/M/RR/2017, dated 10 February, 2017). For the TGTs, it is 50 percent promotion from PRT to TGT, 25 percent direct recruitment through APPSC and remaining 25 percent by regularisation from SSA contractual TGT ISSE.
“As per Notification No ED 2/649/2009, dated 8 January, 2013, the candidates so regularised who do not meet the professional qualification norms as per the RTE Act 2009 (DElEd/BEd) will have to undergo and complete the professional courses within three years of their regularisation,” the department said.