Illegal woodfall mill seized in forest department raid in Morajhar…
The Hojai forest department raided Chaudhary Market under Morajhar police station in Hojai district on Monday and seized illegal woodfallmills. The forest department reportedly launched a massive operation against illegal woodfalla mills in Samarali area of Morajhar. The forest department seized an illegal woodfall mill near Eidgah Maidan in Chamrali No. 3 in the operation.
A forest department team led by Hojai forest protection officer Mahesh Nath raided the mill on the advice of Hojai forest officer Gundeep Das and seized the mill. The forest department has not been able to arrest anyone in the incident but the forest department is investigating. It may be recalled that several illegal wood mills have been going on in different parts of Hojai for a long time.
The forest department has launched a massive operation against such illegal woodmills in the recent past. Two days earlier, after the forest department seized an illegal woodfall mill from Rahmatnagar in Morajhar, the forest department raided Chamraali today and again seized another illegal woodmill. The forest department has launched a massive operation against the cycle but the cycle has been carrying out such a romantic trade of sorang wood in the inaccessible areas.