China’s artificial sun rises in the sky!

Almighty China! China seems to be chasing the desire to be stronger than nature. Red China has been proving this with no creation at various times. One such innovation recently again has taken the whole world by surprise. This time China has been able to test the success of the long-working artificial sun. It needs to be noted that this process of inventing artificial sun is a challenge of China’s long-time efforts.

China has recently been able to test the success of this artificial sun. This artificial sun possessing temperatures about 5 times higher than the actual sun. China has conducted trials keeping this artificial sun shining for about 20 minutes. The work on the Project started in 2006.

According to a south Chinese newspaper, the artificial sun has been trialled at a temperature of 70 million degrees with 17 minutes 36 seconds. The temperature of this artificial sun is more than 15 million. It should be noted that scientists from more than 15 years, china and other foreign countries, were busy with the project. The project has cost around Rs 7,060 crore.

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