Bad news: Gona buffalo hot dead during Bhogali season…

Bad news in bhogali season. A sona mohaq has to be shot dead The tragic incident took place in Kamgaon under Dharamtul Regional Forest Officer’s Office. The goona buffalo was buried somewhat away from Kamgaon on Thursday.

The goona buffalo had created panic since wednesday morning. The buffalo had raised an alarm in Kamgaon since around 5am. Three people were injured in the buffalo attack. After panic in Kamgaon, The buffalo took a position on bill par in Aravat. One of the injured in the buffalo attack had to be sent to Guwahati as his condition was critical.

The dharamtul forest department was forced to shoot and kill in the evening as efforts were failed since morning to chase the panic-hit buffalo. A total of 18 jai bullets were reportedly fired by the forest department in the operation.

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