Livelihood improvement programme in Arunachal Pradesh

Sixty-six farmers benefitted from a two-day programme on ‘Livelihood improvement of NEH farmers through livestock interventions,’ organised here by West Bengal-based ICAR-NDRI on 6 and 7 September, under the NDRI-NEH project component, in collaboration with the Namsai KVK.

KVK Head Dr Debasis Sasmal encouraged the farmers to “actively participate in integrated farming system, maybe livestock-cum-agriculture, fishery-cum-livestock, fishery-cum-horticulture, etc, to overcome the losses in a particular crop by other venture.”

He also stressed the need to “uplift the farmers of Namsai” through livestock-based farming, and motivated the farmers to “adopt scientific rearing of their livestock to make it a profitable business.”

ERS-NDRI principal scientist Dr Champak Bhakat highlighted the activities to empower the farmers through pig-based integrated farming, feeding practices, housing, vaccination, mortality issues, breeding strategies, etc,” and urged them to provide feedback in the future.

Another ERS-NDRI principal scientist Dr Karunakaran stressed on “reproductive management of pig and dairy cow, deworming, fodder production, etc,” while ERS-NDRI senior scientist Dr M Mondol spoke about scientific livestock farming issues.

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